Friday, May 4, 2007

Julia's First Meal!!

About 1 month ago Julia was introduced to her first solid meal. We were not going to start giving her fruits and vegetables until 6 months. Her Pediatrician had recommended that we waited because that's the latest tendency. We were following her advice until one evening when Matthew and I were having dinner and Julia was sitting in her rocking chair, watching us eat.
She was actually staring at us and moving her little mouth as if she was eating too. She seemed to be very ready to experience her first meal and I simply could not look at her and not give her any food. It seemed mean!

So I sat her on my lap (we did not have a high chair prepared), put some mashed potatoes in a little spoon and took the spoon towards her mouth. At first, she didn't know what to do with the spoon so she tried to grab it. Then Matthew told me to pretend I was putting the spoon inside my own mouth and tried to give it to her again. That was it! She totally got it! The next thing we saw was a really big mouth opening and almost eating the whole spoon! Her first facial expression, as she savored the potato, was of doubt. But only for a few seconds. The second thing we saw was her grabbing the spoon and bringing it to her own mouth. She absolutely loved it!!!

She pretty much loves whatever I give her, but her favorite food so far is pear! The pictures above are from her first eating experience.

Way to go, Julia!!!!!!!!!!

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