Monday, February 4, 2008

We are back in Hawaii

Dear friends and family, it's been a long time since I've last posted something in the blog but we've been traveling a lot these past months.

We headed to Brazil on November the 20th, stayed there until December the 20th and from there, straight to Indiana until January the 3rd.

We had a GREAT, ABSOLUTELY GREAT time among family and friends. It was hot, hot summer in Brazil and that was a big contrast with the freezing cold winter of Indiana, but we survived. Julia had such a wonderful time getting to know so many people and everybody absolutely loved her. She is an adorable baby and I mean it!

After 6 weeks away from home we were certainly ready to sleep in our own bed and it felt good to come back home. We were also excited about starting our new job. We were invited, last year, to be the new directors of The Pregnancy Center. Both of us, Matthew and I, have been volunteering there for quite a while and the Center is a ministry that we both learned to appreciate and love. We prayed for 2 months and felt peace to accept it. It could not be a better fit, God knows what He is doing and we are so thankful for the opportunity.

The previous directors are also a couple, the Motola's. Suzanne has been the Center director for 8 years and Asher, her husband, came to help her 2 years ago. They are great, great people and the ministry grew immensely under their administration. They are still here and will be training us for 3 months until we are able to do the work on our own. So we are experiencing an intense time of training and learning. It's been great!

The other great news is that we will have a baby in July. I'm 15 weeks pregnant and feeling good now. I'm finally over the morning sickness, praise God! We still don't know the sex but will know in a few weeks, hopefully. Whatever it is, it is a big blessing and another wonderful gift from our Father in Heaven! Thank you, Lord!!

Julia is doing great, she is walking and is cuter by the day. She is becoming more and more expressive as time goes by and her personality is showing up more and more. It's so amazing to watch and it's such a privilege to be able to guide her as she grows and develops.

Well, I won't make this very long but I'll try to be more faithful from now on...

Blessings on all of you


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