Saturday, July 7, 2007


We've just arrived from Irvine, California, where we spent a week at Concordia University taking part at the Exodus Conference. Living Waters (Matthew's ministry) is part of Exodus. Exodus is a ministry created to help people to understand the roots and causes of homosexuality, to help strugglers deal with it and find freedom in Jesus Christ and also it trains people that minister to strugglers. Its main focus is homosexuality but it applies to all kinds of brokenness, mainly sexual brokenness. Because, as they said throughout the entire Conference, the opposite of homosexuality is NOT heterosexuality, it is sexual wholeness; and that, we find in Jesus.

It was an amazing time with amazing teaching and a heavenly worship. I was not able to take part of all the teachings because of Julia but I prayed that God would take me to the ones I'd take the most out of and I believe He did that and I truly enjoyed our time there.

It was also great for Matthew to network with people all over the country and from other countries too. It was our first trip off island after we got married and Julia's first flight. She did great, by the way!

We came back to an awesome transition time. We finally found a new house!! So we are in the process of moving. Cleaning the new place, packing and the final move will be on the 14th of July. Coming up fast but we can hardly wait for it. We are so ready to have more space!!

We know God provided this place for us because He confirmed to both of us and to the owner, who is also a Christian so we do believe He will provide the finances because the rent is twice as much what we pay now. We live in a 400 square feet studio apartment and with Julia and a new baby on the way there's not way we can make it in here. But God is good and faithful and He ALWAYS come through! Praise Him!!

We are very excited and thankful for this new place, please, pray with us during this transition time so that things will go smoothly.

With love

1 comment:

mimi said...

Oh Ana, you are so close, yet so far away! Wish I could zip down to CA and see you. I am going to Texas Wednesday, then back here on the 16th and off to Brazil late on the 17th.