Friday, June 15, 2007

Julia is not the only child anymore...

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! We are pregnant again!!! Glory to God!

We were not planning to get pregnant now and we were actually using contraceptives but God had other plans, obviously!

I am 6 weeks pregnant and the baby will be born, according to my last menstrual period, in February the 10th. I'm feeling great and I hope and pray that it will continue to be like this.

God already gave a Word for this baby and it is in Isaiah 25:1

"Oh Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago"

Amen! We do believe this little one was planned long ago, with perfection. He/she came at the right time, in the right place. Thank you Lord, for this gift and blessing!!

We are very happy and excited and can hardly wait to know the sex. But that will take a little while yet.

Now, more than ever, we do need a new place to live. Please, join us in prayer as we look for house/condo. Everything is so expensive here and it does seem to be impossible for us, unless we have an increase in our monthly income of, at least, 800 dollars, just for the housing. That's how much more we have to pay if we move from the studio we have to a 2 bedrooms condo or house. We were looking for a one bedroom (which is about 300 dollars less than a 2 bedrooms place) but now, with this new baby on the way, we will need two bedrooms.

We don't know what God is up to but we do know He knows our situation better than we do and we know that He has a place for us. We also trust Him for the provision and support because He has been faithful in an amazing and sometimes surprising way.

Well, we just wanted to share our joy with you

Hope to hear from you


Ana, Matthew, Julia & Baby!!!

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